Thursday, April 15, 2010

Step out of the Traffic

I met with a good friend last night who understands struggles but who also knows the grace of God. He will hold me accountable as I find the path again. He challenged me to develop my devotional life, which was pretty much nonexistent. It's tough to pray right now, but I can't explain why. I've decided to pledge to reading Scripture again on a daily basis and taking the time to really talk to God, my Father. I want that relationship I had before, where I felt the Abba love we read of.

I was led today, through an email I received (the sender knows nothing of my struggle or my journey) to the 46th Psalm. I've read it a few times, in the Message translation.

I love the way it starts with describing the God that fights for us and protects us. To know that God fights for me, not only fights my battles for me but actually fights to have me safe and claimed. I can't say that I've ever asked God to fight for me, but He's done it and continues to do it anyway. So to be a follower of Christ, I have to realize that He's fought for my privilege of claiming Him as my Lord.

I won't belabor this psalm, with a line by line commentary but I do think it's worth noting that this God that controls it all is listening for my voice. His desire is to listen to me and for me to listen to Him.

But the key vision I have after reading this Scripture is the way the Message shares verse 10.
Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.
What an interesting way to tell us to be still. Step out of the traffic, get out of the things that are rushing around you and distracting you. Take a long LOVING look at Me. When was the last time I looked at Him lovingly and really thought what that meant? To slow down and let all the politics of life stop bothering you, after all God is over all of that pretty business we are involved with.

Tonight my prayer will focus on looking at my Father for a long time and really, fully enjoying His presence. To slow down and watch my God fight for me. To let the world begin to pass me by and know that I'm not missing anything anyway. I've been trying to chase so much of the world's success, I think I've lost (there's no think, I know I've lost) my heavenly gain.

That old song, take the world but give me Jesus, comes to mind. Would I be willing to lose it all if it meant holding on to my Jesus? I want my answer to be yes. Lord, give me the passion again...the love that holds me close to you. I ask you to forgive me for taking our relationship for granted and not realizing the precious jewel I held.

your adopted son

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